Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sell Yourself Out of Poverty and Make Money

The art of selling is by far the most intriguing of arts. The very act of performing a selling procedure fruitfully is always satisfying. What is selling? One may ask. Selling is the art of exchanging services or products for money or the equivalent of money.

Everyday people sell goods and services and thus selling has become almost a way of life. It is an activity that indeed if perfected can transform a person's life. Many success stories have been told of people who through selling overcame poverty and made money.

Though making money may seem simple, one needs to have a positive attitude through out the activity. Also this brings us to the other aspect of selling which is, you must sell yourself first before selling the products. It all begins in your mind. You must believe in your products first before you think of going to convince others, in other words "product knowledge". If you do not believe in what you are selling, do not even bother going out to sell.

I believe that selling is the most exciting activity in the world. After a well balanced selling activity full of positive mental attitude, comes the best part and that is the counting of the money. This gives you even more morale to go out there and make more money.

No matter what you are selling, so long as it is not an illegal good or service, it can make your life better and indeed help you attain financial independence. So do not sit back and say there are no jobs or business opportunities available out there. You should instead borrow some small capital and plunge into the world of selling. Indeed shows like The Apprentice by one of Americas richest men Donald Trump is centered on the art of selling.

So go out there and roll your sleeves, there is a lot of selling to do.

By Stephen Kavita

Poverty and Media

Man is curious by nature and always remains busy in new and novel things. Poverty has many dimensions and quenches the thirst of man in this regard. He always comes by odd, weird and strange happenings due to poverty. Mother killed her babies, a father slaughtered his family, a brother ate to his fill while his little sisters and brother died due to famine. All these headlines are the offspring of obnoxious poverty. Hunger is the worst thing in this world. If one is hungry, he can sell his honor, his homeland and even his loved ones. It is a curse and an 'anaconda' that gnaws at the very roots of the humanity. It is not only shown on the media but also discussed in the meetings and seminars. The UN has included it in its millennium development goals. It is ever hot issue of the world. The most powerful nations of the world are not devoid of this anathema.

A lot of people die due to hunger and unavailability of eatables in the advanced countries. According to the facts and figures of the UN about 25000 deaths occur daily due to non availability of food. It means that one person is dying in every four seconds. The children are the worst prey to poverty all over the world.

Irony of the situation is that there is plenty of food present in the reservoirs of the world. In spite of the stock piles of the food,the same is not available to the hungry and the poor. The poor have no money to buy this food and are not able to live. Constant starvation makes them weak and they did not remain able to work. This unemployment breaks their neck and they fell down and down in the abyss of poverty and hunger.

This vicious circle ends in unfortunate deaths of these pitiable people. The world watches these hapless human beings dying only due to lack of few dollars. Not only the one man dies but also his family is famished and constrained to disappear from the face of the earth. World media and world organizations forget them after making their deaths headline on the face of their periodicals. Nobody comes out to disburse food or money. Only word jugglery is performed in the meetings and seminars for keeping oneself in the news and promoting one's image as a humanitarian.

Poverty is ridiculed instead of redeemed. The poor are punned and are shown with the naked feet and deprived souls on the media. It is done in the name of good faith but there is not even simple faith except shenanigans.

The UN is trapped by the profiteers and pseudo-non governmental organizations whose sole aim is to grab and pile up money by hook or by crook. Such persons and organizations try their best to remain in limelight. Their aim is to pretend humanism. They want people and governments of the world to praise their work. They influence the common folk by their false image. This is one of the reasons that poverty becomes the important news. Few organizations try sincerely and work out plans to save the starved people. Such programs need advertisement and publicity. This also makes poverty an important news item. To conclude it can be said that overt and covert aims of being publicized and remain in the news are the causes that include poverty in the major news items and discussions on all the forums.

By Akram Saqib

Poverty and Inheritance

Poverty and Inheritance

Fact 1: According to a recent census, there were 793 billionaires and close to 8 million millionaires in this world - that is less than 0.2% of the world population. Between them they own assets close to $50 trillion.

Fact 2: Everyday about 25000 people die because of poverty and according to 2001 census, about 2.7 billion people lived with an income of under $2 a day- that is close to 40% of the world population.

So from the first fact, it is very clear there is enough money in this world. And from the second, it is clear that money alone cannot abolish poverty. Traditionally money was passed from one generation to another - from one person to a few. Then each one of them used the money to make more, only to pass on even more to another few. In the meantime, whoever struggled to find some food were long gone and their family chain has been eradicated. If we entered this scenario to a logical computing machine, with a condition of perpetual happiness to all, it would spit out a result we might term communist. Though economical growth and standard of living can only be raised by a socialist society, I think the idea is oversold and is done in the cost of other lives -lives of both humans and their ancestors.

There are a plenty of clues that nature provides to aid us understand life. It is a shame we don't care about them. The whole idea of birth and death is to make us aware nothing is permanent and we don't own anything. It is such a pity that humans invented money to prove their power and existence in that short span of time called life. Even such an everyday reality cannot keep our greediness and ego at bay.

I had a chat with a friend of mine on wealth and about passing on wealth to the next generation. He said he would definitely pass all his assets to his children while I was interested to know why. His reasoning was the assets that he passes will help them in times of trouble. Fair enough. But what about the thousands of children that live a troubled life everyday? Whose is going to take care of them?

An educated mind would say, life is about the survival of the fittest. But why are humans creating a false elevation to a selected few to thrive? Though we have the sixth sense to reason, most of us are bound by our ancestral traits. We have the gift to understand the sufferings of others. Why don't we use it? What good is money left in the bank when millions die of hunger. I try and fast once every month and I know how badly I need food by the end of the day. I know I would be not be precise even if I extrapolate that feeling of mine to the suffering many face due to lack of food.

I say this, but when I ask myself if I can give away all my money to charity today, I will shamefully admit, I wouldn't. I am scared of losing in this life and I am scared I might give a bad future for my family I care about. But I sincerely hope one day I can get rid of all the money I earned. I hope I can get out of this rat race. Being a person who believes in fate, I have to say, I am just waiting for the signs to guide me do this. But this is not a one man job. There are already thousands of charities in this world and I am telling you that is not enough. We need many more thousands who can unite with a single vision - TO ERADICATE POVERTY.

So, think about it, you. We may just be able to do this. We may just eradicate hunger and poverty. But only if we unite. Only if we decide to give more to charity and less to our children. Only if we see the world to be a temporary place. Only if we understand we don't own anything. Only if we see around us and be content with what we have. After-all, there is nothing much we can carry to our death bed than some self satisfaction.

By Karthik Raj Guruchandran

Fight Poverty and Feed the Children

I have spent much time in the Dominican Republic and I believe it is important to feed and cloth the impoverished children. There is a problem in the Dominican Republic and in the rest of the developing world. Child poverty is the same worldwide. The solution to the problem is very similar all over the world. First the children and families need immediate cash to help them handle their immediate needs. At the same time one has to undertake a very aggressive giving and helping campaign to improve the educational system in those developing countries. Education is the cornerstone and foundation to prosperity and financial independence.

The developed countries need to attack child poverty and hunger thru generous donations. At the same time, efforts should always be made to help out Dominicans during natural disasters. Now one of the major problems is how rising food prices and rising fuel costs is devastating everyone's budget in the Dominican Republic. There is plenty to do and plenty of people to help.

One can help Dominicans by making donations large or small to help out these poor impoverished children and their families. Look at the amount of money that the political candidates such as Barack Obama have raised in their pursuit to the White House. He is running on the "change" platform. The children and impoverished families of the Dominican Republic are also needing change. These helpless children are in need of the same type of generosity.

2008 looks like it will be an especially tough year for these struggling Dominicans. With rising costs and disappearing opportunities the poverty situation will become even more critical. Your generosity thru giving will be that much more needed. A little money in dollars goes a long way in the Dominican Republic. The dollar is still strong there and many of life's essentials can be purchased at much more reasonable prices in the Dominican Republic than in the United States. If you want to learn more about the plight of these poor people or you would like to show your generosity, please visit the following site.

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