Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Psychology of Poverty

"The poor man is not he who is without a cent, but he who is without a dream."

- Harry Kemp

Imagine two boxes sitting in front of you.

One contains the riches you could enjoy in your life.

The other contains a terrible price you could pay in your life.

The first box is a treasure chest.

It contains peace of mind, sound health, labors of love of your own choice, freedom from fear and worry, a positive mental attitude, material riches of your own choice and quantity, and love.

The second chest is a cursed Pandora's box.

It contains hatred, envy, jealousy, greed, fear, worry, indecision, doubt, ill health, frustration, discouragement, poverty and want. Once opened, it will infect others, spreading a wave of misery throughout the world.

Every person has a free choice of which box they will open.

It would seem that no one would ever want to open the second chest, but most people invariably do so. It is a rare thing, truly, for a person to choose the treasure chest.

These two boxes represent the powers of your own mind.

Learning to control your mind - which guides your thoughts, actions, words, deeds and inevitably, your destiny - or not doing so, is the choice represented by these two boxes. When you choose to control your mind, you are choosing the treasure chest. When you fail to control your mind, you are choosing the cursed Pandora's box of misery and suffering.

Everyone comes to the earth with the ability to control their own mind at birth.

The vast majority of humanity fails to learn how to control their minds, and they end up living lives of misery, poverty, hatred, envy and great suffering. To escape this fate, you must learn to control your mind. When you do this, you will be one of the tiny minority in the world that will find themselves opening the treasure chest.

The Psychology of Poverty

The reason most people make the wrong choice in which box to open is because they suffer from the psychology of poverty. There are two ways of thinking: The way of the rich man and the way of the poor man. Successful, wealthy, happy people all think the same way. Miserable, poor, unhappy people also think the same way. Everyone in prison thinks the same. Everyone that lives a life of luxury and happiness also think in the same way.

It's not my fault! - Lies and Excuses

You may be thinking, "It's not my fault! Others have taken advantage of me. They have hurt me, they have held me back, my parents were cruel to me, I was born in poverty and cannot get out of it, I am too sick, I am too old, I am too young, I do not have the education, I do not have the ability, people do not like me, people hate my skin color, my divorce has ruined my life, etc."

These are lies that weak, hateful, envious, poor people tell themselves.

Your life is the direct result of how you use your mind. If you think like a poor person, you will forever remain a poor person.

Avoid Bad Company

"Do not be deceived. Bad company corrupts good morals."

- 1 Corinthians 15:33

People tend to think like those around them. Guard yourself so that you are not affected by the poverty mindsets of others. Those you choose to associate with will determine your fate. You are what is around you.

It is no accident that the first instructions contained in the book of proverbs tell about the enticements of sinners. Do you have friends or do you have fiends? Who do you choose to associate with? Where do you shop? The places you spend time in, the people you call friends, and the kind of life you surround yourself with will reinforce the attitude you will have in your life. Be careful not to feed the psychology of poverty.

Hate & Envy

The poor are so caught up in their present problems that they do not plan ahead or think ahead. The poor have great hostility and envy towards people that prosper and succeed. The poor are suspicious and resentful towards people that succeed in life. This attitude, which is shared by the majority of people on the earth, will poison your destiny.

Are you so wrapped up in the problems of the present day that you don't take time to plan ahead? Do you have great hostility and envy towards those that prosper and succeed? Do you criticize them? How do you react towards successful people?

There is mass hostility and mass envy towards wealth.

When you begin to prosper and succeed in life, you will be surprised by the hostility you will encounter, especially from the people that you thought would have cheered you on.

If you are not careful, they will destroy you. They will drag you down back to their level. Beware of your friends. Beware of your family. Beware of the public. Those that seem to love you may harbor secret hatreds towards you and your success. Do not let them poison your mind with their miseries and hatreds. Do not return hate with more hate.

How do you react?

It is not what happens to you in life, but it is how you react to what happens to you that will determine your fate. Everyone has bad things that happen to them. If you want to overcome these things, you need to change the way you react to them.

One aspect of love is that you must endure the hate and envy of others, without returning their poison in kind. If others harm you, you must resist the urge to harm them back. This is the mark of a leader. This is the mark of a successful person. This is the mark of those that open the treasure chest, which will sustain their happiness. If you give in to the temptation to return hatred, you will shut the lid of the treasure chest, and you may never be able to open it again.

Were you put on this earth to spread misery and suffering?

Do not add to the evil you encounter in life. Instead, spread goodness through patience, forgiveness, kindness and gratitude. Resistance is created by fighting. If you harm others after they harm you, you will feed the fires of conflict. If you react with patience and forgiveness, you will put out the fires that spread misery. Whatever you project will come back to you, multiplied.

Do not succumb to envy.

Sometimes we are tested. Sometimes the good that we desire will come to others around us first. Do not make negative comments against them. If you do so, your good will not come to you.

You must guard your thoughts, words and deeds.

Are you envious of successful people?

Do you speak nasty comments about others?

How do you treat others?

If you hate wealthy people you will never become one.

Remember, those that succumb to the temptations of hatred and envy are creating their own doom. They suffer from the psychology of poverty.

The Law of Increasing Returns

Your attitude towards everything and everyone will affect what happens to you. This is because your mind will produce what you put into it. If you deposit negative thoughts of decrease, you will suffer the same fate. If you deposit riches into your mind, your mind will produce riches. Maintain an attitude of increase towards others, always seeing them prosperous, healthy, and happy.

Avoid "Hard times" Talk

Those that dwell on negative things will find themselves experiencing more of the same. Truly, we live in a vast world where there are endless possibilities for each of us. During the Great Depression, there were many successful people.

Success is not dependant on what is going around you. The majority is often wrong. When you talk about how bad things seem to be, it will come true. If you avoid doing this, and change your attitude towards thoughts of increase, you will experience success.

Gossiping about negative things will bring these things into your life too.

Never Hurry, Never Worry

Have you ever experienced the strange thing when you "have too much to do" you never get anything done? This is because hurry comes from worry, which comes from fear. Fear invokes the law of decrease, and your mind will produce whatever you put into it. If you find yourself rushing to get things done, or if you find yourself trying to force a result, you are only creating more fear and negativity. This will sabotage your good.

Train your mind to never be disappointed. Instead of dwelling on the illusion of failure, you should increase your expectations. Often, failure is nothing but success trying to be born in a bigger way.

Avoid Petty Thinking

Do not waste time holding grudges. Is it really that important? Getting involved in hostilities, resentments and grudges will only sabotage your good. Instead, project forgiveness, kindness and love towards your enemies.

The Golden Rule of Prosperity

You should not think or speak anything about the affairs of others that you do not want to experience yourself. Give yourself and others thoughts of increase always.

Open Your Mind to Prosperity

Most people close their minds to prosperity through negative thinking, which is caused by the psychology of poverty. Many people feel guilty about wanting to become prosperous. Truly, you need to change your attitudes about prosperity and success. It is not impossible. It is available to everyone. Many people think it is sinful to prosper, feeling that poverty is a virtue. This is nonsense. Many of the most famous people in the bible were millionaires. It has been estimated that poverty causes most of the problems in the world. War, crime, disease, violence and suffering are caused by poverty.

You have no right to be poor.

To live and not be prosperous is a misfortune. Anyone can become rich if they change the way they think. Your mind will manufacture whatever you place inside it, multiplying it in your world. Do not feel guilty about wanting to be prosperous. Thoughts of success and prosperity were given to you by God, who wants everyone to be successful and happy. Do not deny the good that the universe is trying to create for you.

The Soul of a Free Man vs. The Soul of a Slave

Just as water will always seek its level, the soul of a free man will always rise above others. The soul of a slave will always remain in the dirt.

Do you have the soul of a free man or the soul of a slave?

The choice is yours.

These two boxes stand before you.

Will you choose a treasure chest of success or the Pandora's box of failure?

Hope you liked it!

By Mark O'Bannon

The Real Facts Behind the Child Poverty in The UK

Child poverty disgraces the fourth richest nation on earth. Poor kids in the U.K are starving with hunger and are being forced to do child labour which leads to child poverty. It's the bleak that U.K is the one of the powerful countries on this planet, but in this rich country rate of child poverty is very high. Four Millions of children in U.K are helpless or at a stake of hunger that is 30 percentage of the population. Most of the children are living in such families where only one adult earn for the entire family. There are numerous reasons which tell the real key facts behind the child poverty in U.K.

Low income threshold, according to statics of 2007/2008, there are13 million people are living below the line of poverty which is the total 5% of the total population. In most of these families, only one kid is earning for house, and the income is calculated is £115 per adult which is of course very low amount to arrange bread and butter for the family. During the analysis in 2007/ 2008, it was found that 4.0 million are in child poverty. U.K. has the worst poverty rate in industrial area where child are working more then pre-arranged hours but in regard to that, no extra time income is being provided to them. In industrialism, income is not fixed which causes low income threshold.

Lone and unskilled parents, half of the lone parents have lower income and are unskilled, fresh data of 2008 survey stated that incomes per couple is £229 in low households, so incomes per lone parent is £114 which reports a very low amount to take care of children's basic needs like health, education, shelter and better living conditions. In this low earning, it's not possible for divorced parents to take loan for arrange shelter and children education. Most of the parents are unwillingly doing job in industries for shelter only. The corporate pay very less but provide small company houses for the family. Lone and unskilled parents are left with only option of choosing shelter instead of education for kids.

Orphan and Disabled Majority, current research reports that around one third of the adults reported are disabled at the age of 25. For a disabled child or adult, the risk of being in lower income then other kids is by 10%. The main reason is that disabled children are more likely to be in household works because they are less likely to be in work.

Ethnic Minorities, 2.5% of minorities of people are living below poverty line which is the major reason for child poverty. From the past decades, ratio of ethnic minorities under poverty, is rising which is twice the white people. Ethnic minority groups are getting only £7 per hour. This affects their household and living standards. According to latest date obtained in 2007/ 2008 survey, 45% Pakistani, 30% Africans, 60% Bangladeshis and others are Indians. So less income to minorities is one of the children poverty reason.

By Aman Rohit Singh

World Poverty, How Do We Get People Involved The Poverty That Faces Our Country And The World?

Stopping poverty that faces our country and the world today.I know People are starving to death in our country and around the world today. I want to know why are countries not doing more to solve this problem?I want People around the world wake up and see what is happening to children and their families in your country. Look at the poverty that exists every where people live.I want to know how world leaders going to deal with this problem? Poverty is not just a problem in our country poverty affects the whole world. I hope that countries will realize that people are dying everyday around the world for no other reason then nobody can find a answer to world wide poverty. I believe that To long countries have sat by while gets nothing done to solve the poverty situation.

I ask citizens of all countries have to step up to take part in finding answers to end poverty. I do not want any to see another person be born into poverty. I think that it is time for all out countries to work together to change poverty in the world. I believe that changes have to be made in all our countries involved to solve poverty that takes the lives of so many people? I am tired of young children and their families are dying in every country today I know People are tired starving to death from poverty.I think that this is most senseless waste of human life I have ever seen.

Stopping poverty in our country and around the world is all our responsibility. I believe that Countries must reach out and feed their people. I believe all these want people is to be feed and start healing for all of them.I hope People in every country will stop and take a look around and see all the senseless human suffering that exists in all of our countries. Then I would ask all countries what they can do to help to these families that are suffering from poverty? I think that all countries should take time to reach out to help their people with this problem. Maybe all I can do is speak out to these countries to other about how to help solve poverty. I think this will create world wide action to get all countries involved in dealing with world wide poverty.

I believe that Poverty is every countries problem to work with their people to solve. I hope that this article will get conversation going around our world on how every country can contribute to the end of poverty. I am writing this article to raise the worlds awareness to never let any child starve to death again

I Think that all countries should speak out on any idea that they have solve world poverty. I know that this is a problem that faces every country but we all have a responsibility to make sure that all people are feed. No longer can our countries leave all this work for missionaries and charities to handle all this poverty.I am One voice speaking to all countries to get faster action on dealing with poverty that faces our world. I Think about how many countries that have children and families that will die of poverty and it breaks my heart to know so many children and people are dying for no other reason then some body will not feed them. I pray that every will country really standing by and do nothing to stop poverty that kills their own?

I am calling upon all all nations to reach out to help change poverty That ends to many lives to soon. I know Children are dying of poverty every country in the world. I will write to any body I can to change this problem. I believe that no country should ever let their children die of poverty before they have had a chance to live. I believe that Dialogue is the first step to getting world cooperation to help stop poverty.I hope every country realizes young people are the future of all our nations . No religion would allow children to die of starvation why do we. I hope that World wide cooperation against poverty is the answer. I would Speak out on poverty all countries this I hope will bring and end world poverty. No matter what country I would speak out on poverty that exists in any country. I want to Stop hunger for children all over the world. I Will write what ever it takes for conversation to start between countries and their people to stop poverty. I believe that working to stop poverty in all countries has to become top priority for all nations.

Our countries may be separated by beliefs but people are still starving to death in every country of poverty and its time to stop it. I know that I am tired of watching children dying of hunger in every country. Please Speak out on poverty from countries all over the world . Our nations may always go to war over different beliefs this is still no reason for people to die of hunger. I hope all our countries will unite to feed their people and end poverty. I hope that this article will give people hope in all countries that some day no one will have to die of hunger. Our countries may disagree. I do believe Countries can still work to end poverty that takes so many people from our nations.

I believe that these are the basic rights of all people to have food clothing medical attention these are basic human rights of people in all nations. I believe that as long as one person any where in the world is dying of hunger. I believe that we all have a duty to see that no one goes hungry.I hope our country along with other Countries will start dialogs for end to poverty in all countries. I will Spread this message to all nations that poverty must stop. I need voices from all over the world to start action to end to world wide poverty. I think that it is time for all countries to stand and do whats right for all their people. United I believe that all countries can over come poverty that affects all our countries. I think that as American`s we should start the dialogs to stop poverty that is killing people all over the world. Lets prove that our nations voice can change poverty for people and children around the world.

My prayers are that all countries find respect for life to solve poverty in all our countries. Poverty affects all our nations I pray that no one will ever die of hunger again in any country. Think about this.

May god bless all countries in this fight to end poverty. I hope that this article opens up world wide dialogs on to end the problem of poverty that takes so many lives away from our nations to soon.

As always I write with respect.

My name is Mike Carvell of the voice i hope that this will be read by all publishers and that they agree with me that we need a voice for change I believe that if we all work together we can change so many problems that face our country today. I believe that if you put your column and respect on the line that we can all make this column a voice for all people I mean all people. Tell me what you want changed and I will keep this column honest direct and to the point with the commitment you need to affect change. Once again I need your respect help and commitment to make this accomplishment possible. I not only believe in all Americans but the rights and respect of you all to make this commitment for which I will write with all honeys and respect and power that I can to prove this to you. This is my column and only my column I will do all the writing with respect to all those of you who put your trust and commitment into this column now and in the future. I will be columns as many as I can ones many subjects that I can with respect for all my future work thank you mike carvell as alway

By Michael Carvell

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ending Poverty Consciousness

Definition number 1 of "poverty" in the American Heritage Dictionary is: "The state of being poor; lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts." It is further defined as "deficiency in amount; scantiness; unproductiveness; infertility."

By "poverty consciousness" I mean the set of attitudes and beliefs and feelings and values associated with material lack or fear of material lack. Poverty consciousness equals a belief in limitation, and almost always includes fear.

Poverty consciousness is not directly related to the amount of money one has. Rather, it is the relationship to that money or to material possessions. If you worry about not having enough money, you are in poverty consciousness. If you believe there is not enough for everyone in the world, you operate from poverty consciousness.

One can live in conditions of poverty without necessarily living in poverty consciousness, which is a state of mind and heart. The amount of money or other material possessions is a matter of fact. One's relationship to that amount is a matter of thoughts and feelings.

Different Means; Similar Consciousness

Years ago, I had two personal empowerment sessions back-to-back with individuals of strikingly different financial means. The first one asked me probing questions about decisions he wanted to make with respect to stocks and his upcoming retirement from a major corporation. The second, desperate to generate $35 to pay his part of the electric bill, asked me probing questions about his uncertain situation.

I worked with both men in essentially the same way. I looked at the energy field in and around their thoughts and feelings. I assessed how they were creating a reality of poverty consciousness energized by their fears. The one of greater financial means became calmer as he embraced a shift in consciousness. The one of lesser financial means became calmer as he embraced a shift in consciousness.

The dollar amounts were different. The fear was the same. Probably each would have envied the other! As each man understood more fully how he had thought and felt his way in to his particular situation, he was better prepared to think and feel his way out.

Another Definition

Let's return to the American Heritage dictionary, where there is a fourth definition of poverty that warrants discussion: "Renunciation made by a member of a religious order of the right to own property."

Perhaps few readers of this article are presently in religious orders that require vows of poverty. However, the history of civilization is filled with such vows. For those of you who believe that it is possible to inherit traits from your ancestors, consider the impact of past vows of poverty passed through the genes. For those of you who believe that it is possible to be influenced by beliefs of others, consider the impact of past vows of poverty modeled in behavior. For those of you who believe in past lives, consider the impact of past vows of poverty on future lives. For those of you who believe in the existence of an energy field, consider how it might be polluted by such vows of limitation.

You can probably find some part of your belief system that tells you that vows of poverty made in the past can impact you and others now. As Individuals, in groups, and as the whole of humanity, we are touched by others.

A Matter of Faith

Ending poverty consciousness is a matter of faith. We all have faith, even though there are many who claim they have none. The question is not whether or not you have faith, but rather, in what you place your faith. Do you place your faith in money? In yourself? In lack? In history? In the future? In the visible? In the invisible?

When the visible elements of our experience are tumbling, we must redirect our faith, our energy, and our intention. The physical world is a temporary reality. It is time to open our awareness more to the worlds beyond this one. Higher consciousness is becoming more available to the human plane. You will want to stay alert so you do not to miss this adventure!

We are living in an exciting time. A time when we will prove that poverty and poverty consciousness are obsolete. A time when we will know, without a doubt, that we live in an abundant universe, a universe waiting to fulfill our every need.

This article has focused on poverty and poverty consciousness as related to material things. Keep in mind, though, that the same principles apply to other aspects of our lives. Some persons feel poverty or poverty consciousness about themselves. "Low self esteem" is one of the popular terms. It is a belief in lack, lack of one's talents or abilities, not having enough of what is wanted.

A Few Ideas to End Poverty Consciousness

  • Watch your language! Make sure that what follows "I" or "I am" is what you want to manifest. If you say "I am poor," the Universe will answer you with its only response: yes!
  • Say, think, and/or write empowering affirmations. (For example, "I rescind old vows of poverty and limitation." Or, "I accept the gifts of the Universe.")
  • Bless all those who owe you money. Pray for their prosperity. When they pay you, thank them and thank the Source, the Higher Power.
  • Bless all those to whom you owe money. Pray for their prosperity. When you pay them, thank them and thank the Source, the Higher Power.
  • Recognize that money is a means of exchange. Stop giving your power away to money. Claim your own power from within, follow your passion, and the required means will be at your disposal.
  • Focus on what you desire, not on what you do not desire. That to which you give your attention expands. If you give your attention to scarcity, scarcity expands; if you give your attention to abundance, abundance expands.

Now is the Time

Now is the only time we really have. We may believe that "as soon as ...... happens" we will be free of poverty consciousness. We may dream that "when I win the lottery, I will do all those things I want to do." The truth is, we do not need to wait for any conditions to change in order to be conscious of abundance. Now is the time. Here is the place.

By Jeanie Marshall

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