I ask citizens of all countries have to step up to take part in finding answers to end poverty. I do not want any to see another person be born into poverty. I think that it is time for all out countries to work together to change poverty in the world. I believe that changes have to be made in all our countries involved to solve poverty that takes the lives of so many people? I am tired of young children and their families are dying in every country today I know People are tired starving to death from poverty.I think that this is most senseless waste of human life I have ever seen.
Stopping poverty in our country and around the world is all our responsibility. I believe that Countries must reach out and feed their people. I believe all these want people is to be feed and start healing for all of them.I hope People in every country will stop and take a look around and see all the senseless human suffering that exists in all of our countries. Then I would ask all countries what they can do to help to these families that are suffering from poverty? I think that all countries should take time to reach out to help their people with this problem. Maybe all I can do is speak out to these countries to other about how to help solve poverty. I think this will create world wide action to get all countries involved in dealing with world wide poverty.
I believe that Poverty is every countries problem to work with their people to solve. I hope that this article will get conversation going around our world on how every country can contribute to the end of poverty. I am writing this article to raise the worlds awareness to never let any child starve to death again
I Think that all countries should speak out on any idea that they have solve world poverty. I know that this is a problem that faces every country but we all have a responsibility to make sure that all people are feed. No longer can our countries leave all this work for missionaries and charities to handle all this poverty.I am One voice speaking to all countries to get faster action on dealing with poverty that faces our world. I Think about how many countries that have children and families that will die of poverty and it breaks my heart to know so many children and people are dying for no other reason then some body will not feed them. I pray that every will country really standing by and do nothing to stop poverty that kills their own?
I am calling upon all all nations to reach out to help change poverty That ends to many lives to soon. I know Children are dying of poverty every country in the world. I will write to any body I can to change this problem. I believe that no country should ever let their children die of poverty before they have had a chance to live. I believe that Dialogue is the first step to getting world cooperation to help stop poverty.I hope every country realizes young people are the future of all our nations . No religion would allow children to die of starvation why do we. I hope that World wide cooperation against poverty is the answer. I would Speak out on poverty all countries this I hope will bring and end world poverty. No matter what country I would speak out on poverty that exists in any country. I want to Stop hunger for children all over the world. I Will write what ever it takes for conversation to start between countries and their people to stop poverty. I believe that working to stop poverty in all countries has to become top priority for all nations.
Our countries may be separated by beliefs but people are still starving to death in every country of poverty and its time to stop it. I know that I am tired of watching children dying of hunger in every country. Please Speak out on poverty from countries all over the world . Our nations may always go to war over different beliefs this is still no reason for people to die of hunger. I hope all our countries will unite to feed their people and end poverty. I hope that this article will give people hope in all countries that some day no one will have to die of hunger. Our countries may disagree. I do believe Countries can still work to end poverty that takes so many people from our nations.
I believe that these are the basic rights of all people to have food clothing medical attention these are basic human rights of people in all nations. I believe that as long as one person any where in the world is dying of hunger. I believe that we all have a duty to see that no one goes hungry.I hope our country along with other Countries will start dialogs for end to poverty in all countries. I will Spread this message to all nations that poverty must stop. I need voices from all over the world to start action to end to world wide poverty. I think that it is time for all countries to stand and do whats right for all their people. United I believe that all countries can over come poverty that affects all our countries. I think that as American`s we should start the dialogs to stop poverty that is killing people all over the world. Lets prove that our nations voice can change poverty for people and children around the world.
My prayers are that all countries find respect for life to solve poverty in all our countries. Poverty affects all our nations I pray that no one will ever die of hunger again in any country. Think about this.
May god bless all countries in this fight to end poverty. I hope that this article opens up world wide dialogs on to end the problem of poverty that takes so many lives away from our nations to soon.
As always I write with respect.
My name is Mike Carvell of the voice i hope that this will be read by all publishers and that they agree with me that we need a voice for change I believe that if we all work together we can change so many problems that face our country today. I believe that if you put your column and respect on the line that we can all make this column a voice for all people I mean all people. Tell me what you want changed and I will keep this column honest direct and to the point with the commitment you need to affect change. Once again I need your respect help and commitment to make this accomplishment possible. I not only believe in all Americans but the rights and respect of you all to make this commitment for which I will write with all honeys and respect and power that I can to prove this to you. This is my column and only my column I will do all the writing with respect to all those of you who put your trust and commitment into this column now and in the future. I will be columns as many as I can ones many subjects that I can with respect for all my future work thank you mike carvell as alway
By Michael Carvell
ReplyDeleteMight I suggest that you take a look at the ideas of Henry George? Start with a speech entitled "The Crime of Poverty" and then perhaps "Thou Shalt Not Steal." Then two books: a book of essays entitled "Social Problems" and a modern abridgment of "Progress and Poverty," which remains the bestselling book ever on political economy. All are available online; you might start at http://www.wealthandwant.com/ Hardcopy is available at schalkenbach.org/ or Amazon.
You might also be interested in a recent film entitled "The End of Poverty? Think Again" which seeks to understand the causes of poverty in the world. It is available from Amazon and schalkenbach.org. See some related websites at http://povertythinkagain.com/ and http://whyglobalpoverty.com/.