Child poverty disgraces the fourth richest nation on earth. Poor kids in the U.K are starving with hunger and are being forced to do child labour which leads to child poverty. It's the bleak that U.K is the one of the powerful countries on this planet, but in this rich country rate of child poverty is very high. Four Millions of children in U.K are helpless or at a stake of hunger that is 30 percentage of the population. Most of the children are living in such families where only one adult earn for the entire family. There are numerous reasons which tell the real key facts behind the child poverty in U.K.
Low income threshold, according to statics of 2007/2008, there are13 million people are living below the line of poverty which is the total 5% of the total population. In most of these families, only one kid is earning for house, and the income is calculated is £115 per adult which is of course very low amount to arrange bread and butter for the family. During the analysis in 2007/ 2008, it was found that 4.0 million are in child poverty. U.K. has the worst poverty rate in industrial area where child are working more then pre-arranged hours but in regard to that, no extra time income is being provided to them. In industrialism, income is not fixed which causes low income threshold.
Lone and unskilled parents, half of the lone parents have lower income and are unskilled, fresh data of 2008 survey stated that incomes per couple is £229 in low households, so incomes per lone parent is £114 which reports a very low amount to take care of children's basic needs like health, education, shelter and better living conditions. In this low earning, it's not possible for divorced parents to take loan for arrange shelter and children education. Most of the parents are unwillingly doing job in industries for shelter only. The corporate pay very less but provide small company houses for the family. Lone and unskilled parents are left with only option of choosing shelter instead of education for kids.
Orphan and Disabled Majority, current research reports that around one third of the adults reported are disabled at the age of 25. For a disabled child or adult, the risk of being in lower income then other kids is by 10%. The main reason is that disabled children are more likely to be in household works because they are less likely to be in work.
Ethnic Minorities, 2.5% of minorities of people are living below poverty line which is the major reason for child poverty. From the past decades, ratio of ethnic minorities under poverty, is rising which is twice the white people. Ethnic minority groups are getting only £7 per hour. This affects their household and living standards. According to latest date obtained in 2007/ 2008 survey, 45% Pakistani, 30% Africans, 60% Bangladeshis and others are Indians. So less income to minorities is one of the children poverty reason.
By Aman Rohit Singh
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